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November 18, 2009

ColdFusion proxy for After the Deadline

I recently switched our CMS spellchecker on PortlandOnline from Google's spellchecker to After the Deadline. After the Deadline is a new breed of spellchecker—likely very different from the spellcheckers you're used to using. AtD offers contextual spell checking so it can detect words that are spelled correctly, but used incorrectly. It also has an advanced style and grammar checker and offers helpful explanations of all the detected issues.

After the Deadline recently became the default spellchecker in Wordpress, and it's also offered as a TinyMCE plugin. However, the TinyMCE plugin requires a server side script to proxy AJAX requests. The only proxy script currently included with the plugin is for PHP so I ported the PHP script to ColdFusion. It's a fairly simple script, but I thought I'd share it so that others don't have to reinvent the wheel. (I did send it to the AtD developers so maybe it will be included in a future release…)